What To Do When It’s Too Wet To Harvest?

I got a call.

No, not from Stan.

It came from the farm where I have been working in the scale house, weighing in trucks and recording the moisture content of the grain.

I was told it is too wet to harvest.

Fall is like that.  You plan on farming but nature has other ideas and all too often if it isn’t nature, it is a break-down that leaves you with a nothing-to-do day.

So what to do?

Hmmm…. Let’s start with Honey Crisp apples from the tree we planted three years ago.


And wash them up in the sink.


and cut out the cores.


Do you see where we are going with this?


Let’s not keep you in suspense.  We’re talking apple crisp.


Yes, fresh out of the oven apple crisp.  One pan for me, one to share.  Uh-huh, the one to share pan is the smaller one.


It’s the kind of thing that can make you pray for rain – but what to do with the tomatoes?

Hmmmm…. home-made spaghetti sauce?


If it ever stops raining, I might get back into my scale house. When that happens my posting here will become light. Last year, we did not finish until shortly before Thanksgiving.

I hope we have better weather this year.

Author: Almost Iowa


45 thoughts on “What To Do When It’s Too Wet To Harvest?”

  1. I’m ok with the smaller one. When should I expect delivery?

    Looks like a day well spent. I hope the weather is kind to you going forward.

    1. I was amazed at how fast that little tree bore apples and how many it produced. It has been a wet year, so the little lady got all the moisture she could desire. Notice that jug hanging from the tree? I filled it with watered down lemonade. The bugs love it and leave the tree alone.

  2. You had me going there, Greg. I thought you were going to make a pie! But I love apple crisp, too. I grew up on a farm and know all about the stress of weather delays. We would have dry summers and wet falls, making my father nearly have a nervous break down as he tried to harvest our potato crop. Good luck! And in the meantime, try a little French vanilla ice cream on your apple crisp. You won’t regret it.

  3. You do know how to enjoy a day off! I hope the rain shows up now and then in the coming weeks to give you some more time to spend in the kitchen, enjoying the fruits of your harvest. And I’m wondering if I provide you with my address, if you could send one of those apple crisps my way? We haven’t had any good rain here in a good long while…..

    1. We got in one good day (Sunday) of picking corn – and then rain. It looks like it will rain all week. Unfortunately, we ate the apples, so I will have to think of something else to cook. Maybe chili. 🙂

    1. Maybe next year. 🙂 We planted two trees three years ago. This one produced a couple of apples last year and so many this year, I feared the trunk would snap. The other produced nothing last year and two apples this year. Next season, I anticipate a bumper crop.

    1. I was amazed at how many apples that little tree produced. The photo was taken after our third round of picking. Can’t wait for next year when her little buddy starts producing apples in earnest. Maybe we will have to make cider…. Oooooo, cider.

  4. Watch out for those core cutters – I have a nasty scar on my thumb from one (but as a small disclaimer, I’m accident prone in the kitchen haha) Enjoy that apple crisp!!! MMMMMMM!

  5. I’ve missed your posts. I haven’t been blogging much lately. Love how the big pan is for you!! Hope you have a great day!

      1. Thanks and thanks!! We’ve always had Labs, big ones, and these two are like little puffballs with feet. Sooooo darn sweet. We now have a house with ten acres, about four is mowed. So, I’ve been taking them for lots of walks. So cute to look behind me and see them running my way.

      1. Laughing. Having just spent two weeks with 3 boys, I understand the need to move fast. I got up before they did so I could have my share of pumpkin scones. –Curt

  6. What time is dessert served?

    Seriously, I hope the weather changes soon so farmers (and would-be-farmers) can return to the fields and scale houses. That said, I will miss your humorous writing.

  7. I’ll bet those honey crisps are good. It looks like you have about $50.00 worth (at today’s store price) in the sink. Most of us don’t want you to go to the scale. We’d rather you stayed and wrote stories. Scale gain, our loss.

    1. That little tree produced an amazing amount of apples and they are delicious. I have been sampling them for a couple of weeks, not really knowing that they would turn red. At first they were so tart that they made me kiss my tonsils – but now they are just right.

  8. I remember your last year’s stint in scale house, and how we had to read instead novels and other stuff by not-so-fabulous bloggers – so all the best! And it’s exciting to think that this is simply a prelude to American Thanksgiving (already!)

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