My Stuff Writing Challenge: My Eagle

Milk and Whiskey are a sister and brother tag-team who author some of best writing on WordPress. Here, Whiskey tells the tale of his eagle, a bottle found in a store that “looked like a garage sale at the Addams Family mansion”.

Since everything has a story, the My Stuff Writing Challenge is to pick an object and tell its tale.

Milk & Whiskey

Thanks to Almost Iowa one of our favorite blogs for the writing challenge.

You mean “The Eagle?” “Naw man, just Eagle.”

Dr Brains came over the other day with his brood in tow. Two little girls crashed into my apartment in a tornado of pink, purple and sparkly stuff. They threw off their shoes and backpacks and grabbed my sons and ran off to the bedrooms to play “get out all the toys and make a huge mess”. It’s practically a ritual around here.

“What’s in The Eagle?” Brains asked. In the distance the crashing sound of a giant bin of Lego being dumped out, then giggles.

“It’s not “The Eagle,” it’s just “Eagle,” and Four Roses Single Barrel,” I replied.

“The Don Henley joke was funny the first hundred times. Got any coke?” Dr. Brains headed to my fridge.

“I think it’s one of those jokes that if I…

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Author: Almost Iowa